- Apple Event (October 2021)
- MacBook Pro Display With Notch Shown in Alleged Photo Leak – MacRumors
- Adaptivity and Layout – Apple Human Interface Guidelines
- The MacBook Air needs Face ID and a delightful notch – The Verge
- 猜猜「王力巨集」是誰 – 符號工作站
- Haku – GitHub
- wenyan-lang – GitHub
- aho: a Git implementation in AWK – GitHub
- gix: pure Rust implementation of Git – GitHub
- Jeff Atwood – Wikipedia
- Parsing JSON is a Minefield
- CodeRunner beta
- React Internals Part One: Basic Rendering
- Is 40 the new 60?
- Why We Killed Our End-to-End Test Suite
- How Apple Alienated Mac Loyalists – Bloomberg
- Magpie Driven Development (MDD)
- JSFuck
- CO, C++基础库
- Portal 2 – Steam
- What exactly IS f-stop? – Reddit
- Portal’s abandoned prequel, ‘F-Stop,’ surfaces in a new video authorized by Valve
- 如何让你的 newsletter 胜出
- macOS Monterey Beta 3: Apple Redesigns Safari Tab Interface Following Complaints – Twitter
- iOS 15 ja macOS Monterey beta 3:ssa muutoksia Safari-verkkoselaimen radikaaleihin käyttöliittymäuudistuksiin – Twitter
- MagSafe外接电池 – Apple
- I Still Use Plain Text for Everything, and I Love It
- plain text accounting
- The Problem We’re Now Facing With WFH
- Tutorial – Write a Shell in C
- ES2021 Features!
- F# Is The Best Coding Language Today
- 如何看待2022年秋招Java后端开发岗一片红海?- 知乎
- The Portless iPhone 13: Let’s Talk! – YouTube
- という激震ニュースが駆け巡っている新潮社出版部、きょうの様子です – Twitter
- Father Of C And UNIX, Dennis Ritchie, Passes Away At Age 70
- Where are your photos really stored on the Apple Mac’s disk?
- GitHub’s automatic coding tool rests on untested legal ground
- GitHub Copilot is not infringing your copyright
- MailKit – Apple Developer
- LoveFrom.style
- Programming languages: Rust in the Linux kernel takes another step forwards
- 计算机程序设计艺术 – 维基百科
- 费马大定理 – 维基百科
- Revolution OS – 2001 – Multilingual (16 languages) – YouTube
- The Code: Story of Linux documentary (Multilingual) – YouTube
- Free Software Foundation
- 什么是自由软件?
- 几种开源协议的比较(BSD,Apache,GPL,LGPL,AGPL,MIT)
- Amazon responds to Elastic changing its open-source software license
- Stepping up for a truly open source Elasticsearch
- Server Side Public License (SSPL) v1
- 神话 – 维基百科
- Go nomad
- 腾讯两前员工因入职米哈游违反竞业协议,被判各赔偿腾讯超百万元 – 新浪新闻
- 对独立开发者的一些建议 – Twitter
- 《UNIX传奇:历史与回忆》
- 仙童半导体 60 年 “前芯”往事:第一个万亿美元初创企业的传奇历程
- Modern C++ Won’t Save Us
- How to navigate directories faster with bash
- Database in the Browser, a Spec
- IndexedDB – MDN
- An incomplete list of skills senior engineers need, beyond coding
- Microsoft announces Windows 11, with a new design, Start menu, and more
- 拥抱、扩展再消灭 – 维基百科
- Announcing .NET MAUI Preview 5
- Goodbye Xamarin.Forms, Hello .NET MAUI!
- Introducing the new GitHub Issues
- Linux 5.13 Released With Apple M1 Bringup, Landlock, FreeSync HDMI + Much More
- Safari Technology Preview – Apple Developer
- Microsoft will end Windows 10 support in October 2025 – Engadget
- Why Microsoft is calling Windows 10 ‘the last version of Windows’ – The Verge
- The ‘640K’ quote won’t go away — but did Gates really say it?
- Apple’s Steve Jobs: ‘no one’s going to buy’ a big phone – Engadget
- Internet Explorer and Firefox teams celebrate new versions with cake-giving tradition
- Windows 11: A Few More Observations
- Will Swift Concurrency deploy back to older OSs? – Swift Forum
- Ratio of sales team in technology companies – Twitter
- 鼓起勇气从体制内辞职,分享一些经验教训感悟 (Wayback machine)
- 有哪些读书学不来,却很重要的素质?- 知乎
- 【睡前消息287】高考报志愿 能不能选土木工程?- 哔哩哔哩
- How and Why I Stopped Buying New Laptops
- GNU工程的哲学
- Advanced Data Structures – MIT Open Courseware
- The Internet is for Porn
- Can’t Sleep? Here Are Some Surprising Strategies That Actually Work
- Why you should not use (f)lex, yacc and bison
- The Tyranny of the Faceless Other
- GCC Rust – GitHub
- Emojis as Favicons
- Kate is 20 years old!
- A collection of modern/faster/saner alternatives to common unix commands – GitHub
- iOS 15
- iPadOS 15
- watchOS 8
- macOS Monterey
- Apple WWDC 2013 Keynote: OS X Mavericks – YouTube
- What’s new in SwiftUI – WWDC 2021
- Meet TextKit 2 – WWDC 2021
- Explore the SF Symbols 3 App – WWDC 2021
- Meet StoreKit 2 – WWDC 2021
- Meet Xcode Cloud – WWDC 2021
- What’s new in Swift – WWDC 2021
- Introducing ShazamKit – Apple Developer
- Meet Group Activities – WWDC 2021
- MusicKit – Apple Developer
- Meet the Screen Time API – WWDC 2021
- Elevate your DocC documentation in Xcode – WWDC 2021
- Meet TestFlight on Mac – WWDC 2021
- Build Mail App Extensions – WWDC 2021
- Why Rust string seem hard
- Character – Apple Developer
- The Return of Fancy Tools
- 日常有数:基于Notion 的日化用品管理方案 – 少数派
- The End of Retirement
- Estimation
- HTML Sanitizer API – MDN
- Everything is an X
- 《刻意练习》 – 豆瓣
- 《怎样解题》 – 豆瓣
- goodfirstissue.dev
- 《社交网络》 – 豆瓣
- 波卡因为Rust标准库的binary search引发了线上事故 – Twitter
- Portability is reliability
- .C as file extension for C++ is not portable
- lume/autolayout – GitHub
- JsonLogic
- Jetpack Compose
- Compose for Desktop
- Technology Preview: Jetpack Compose for the Web
- shelljs – GitHub
- Newline Delimited JSON – GitHub
- RFC2119
- Let’s Build a Regex Engine
- CotEdtior – GitHub
- TextMate – GitHub
- An Intuition for Lisp Syntax
- Ten rules for negotiating a job offer
- 在M1 Macbook上不使用Rosetta优雅地游玩Minecraft+Forge
- WWDC21 – Apple
- iPhone 13 no port rumors – Medium
- Right to repair – Wikipedia
- What is Right to Repair? – YouTube
- We need Action – Right to Repair explained – YouTube
- 维修的权力 – iFixit
- Epic Games vs. Apple – Wikipedia
- Tim Cook testimony in Epic vs. Apple trial – The Guardian
- Apple – The Verge
- United States vs. Microsoft Corp. – Wikipedia
- No. – YouTube
- Steve Jobs on post PC era – YouTube
- X-Y Problem
- StackBlitz Anouncement – Twitter
- New web capabilities status
- Servo – Wikpedia
- What’s the future of Servo? – GitHub
- Chromium adoption in Microsoft Edge and future of ChakraCore – GitHub
- Parcel’s new JavaScript Compiler – Twitter
- Why Rust?
- How C++ compats global warming? – YouTube
- Swift function builder
- SE-0289: function builders – Swift Forum
- 现代处理器结构
- Tim Cook faces harsh questions about the App Store from judge in Fortnite trial – The Verge
- Apple wants users to trust iOS, but it doesn’t trust iOS users – The Verge
- The level of Mac malware is not acceptable, says Apple’s Craig Federighi at Epic trial – The Verge
- Apple doesn’t dominate in most product categories — and that’s a very good thing – Apple Insider
- GPL与Apple App Store
- libp2p
- Tailwind CSS: From Side-Project Byproduct to Multi-Million Dollar Business
- JIT Compilation:理解与实现
- 怎么才能有尤雨溪一半强,该怎么学习? – 知乎
- M1 iPad Pro (2021) review: dream screen – YouTube
- Basecamp’s political speech policy controversy – The Verge
- Sam Stephenson quits Basecamp – Twitter
- George Claghorn quits Basecamp – Twitter
- Effects of the Last Week on Ruby on Rails – Rails forum
- Rails Governance – Rails blog
- David Heinemeier Hansson’s personal website
- DHH on App Store policy – Twitter
- Hey.com exec says Apple is like ‘gansters’ – The Verge
- Deprecate use of master and slave – Ruby bugs
- 程序员社区骂战:不满政治正确,LLVM元老宣布退出 – 知乎
- Yew framework – GitHub
- Blazor WebAssembly – Microsoft Documentation
- 自制MagSafe散热器 – 微博
- What I REALLY think of the iPhone! – YouTube
- Founding vs. Inheriting
- What happened when I switched from Mac to Windows – Wired
- Developer-first
- RubyConf China 2021 Hotwire讲师征集 – Ruby China
- Pixelmator Pro – Mac App Store
- 微信:小程序跳转App功能被滥用,将不再支持 – CNBeta
- 最近Basecamp的瓜有人在吃吗 – Ruby China
- 37signals.com